成長を続けるために〜to continue growing〜

優しい世界を目指して~Making for a kinder world~

成長のための習慣をどのようにつくるか(How to create habits for growth.)


To continue to grow, create habits.
To create this habit, get in touch with your thoughts. And all I can do is repeat.



  • 日記:6年以上
  • 早起き:3年以上
  • 定期的な運動:5年以上
  • Youtubeへの動画投稿(365日毎日更新達成)




  • 日記:ベッドの枕元にペンと一緒に置いておき、寝る前に書く。
  • 早起き:休み関係なく同じ時間に起きる。日付が変わる前には必ず寝る。お酒を控える。
  • 定期的な運動:朝起きたら散歩する。自分がよくいる場所にトレーニング道具を置いておく。
  • Youtubeへの動画投稿(365日毎日更新達成):当時は毎晩決まった時間に実況する。実況するゲームをあらかじめ決めておく。



I think there are many people who try to work hard towards their goals, but get satisfied with just making plans, or end up becoming a three-day monk.
In the past, I have rarely been able to stick to the goals I set at the beginning of the year.

However, through trial and error, I have now learned how to continue.

・Diary: Over 6 years
・Early riser: 3 years or more
・Regular exercise: more than 5 years
・Video posting to Youtube (updated every day 365 days)

What was needed to continue these activities was the skill of making them a habit.

Just like people go to work or school at the same time, or feel like falling asleep at a certain time every day, if you can surrender to your habits, you can easily continue doing things.

There are two important things to keep in mind: "keep it at the same time'' and "make it easy to get started.''
If your body repeats the same routine for about three weeks, it will naturally start doing those habits from then on.
For example, in my case, I made it a habit as follows.

・Diary: Keep it by your bedside with a pen and write in it before going to bed.
・Early riser: Wake up at the same time regardless of holidays. Be sure to go to bed before the date changes. Avoid alcohol.
・Regular exercise: Take a walk when you wake up in the morning. Keep your training equipment in a place where you are most likely to be around.
・Video posting to Youtube (achieved daily updates 365 days a year): At the time, it was live streamed at a fixed time every night. Decide in advance which games you will be playing.

The biggest enemy of forming a habit is feeling like it's a chore.
Let's keep things as simple as possible so that we don't feel that way.
Make it easy to understand what to do at a glance and do it whenever you feel like it.
That will be necessary for it to continue.

I hope this idea will be of some use to you.
Thank you very much.

私のアカウントリンク (my account link)


水降 恵来 / 教員Vtuber
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